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eCommerce 2023, # 9

Bruce Merrifield, President — Merrifield Consulting

•sales practices •market segmentation •sales compensation design •management strategies •sales management •sales management styles in distribution •wholesale distribution basic math •sales training •eCommerce •Bruce Merrifield •sales strategy •people management •Merrifield Consulting •sales tactics •money-losing customers •sales tools

Bruce Merrifield expands his views on the changing field sales models for '23 and how to migrate to them.

First, borrow & adapt from past, Selling-Model Shifts.


1. Where your "don't-mess-with" selling-model came from?

2. What are the forces and drawbacks requiring new e-selling models

3. How alternative channels have met this challenge for change ideas

Then, test the existing and new models vs 3 final case scenarios

All to spark discussion about and comfort-zoning for selling-model innovation.

Audio file: Bruce_eCommerce_Webinar-9.mp3

Downloads: Bruce_eCommerce_Webinar-9.pptx